Vernissage / Exhibition disEMPOWERMENT

Banner_artist_mailchimpWHAT: Vernissage and Multi-media Exhibition
WHEN: 16:00 – 18:00, Tuesday 1 November 2017 (the exhibition will run 2.11.2017 – 16.1.2018)
WHERE: Arbejdermuseet, Rømersgade 22, Copenhagen City

The exhibition entitled disEMPOWERMENT is a part of the year long special exhibition StopSlaveri! at the Arbejdermuseet in Copenhagen.

ImmigrantART has been working together with the anti-trafficking NGO HopeNow on a multi-media pop-up exhibition at the Arbejdermuseet (The Workers Museum). The exhibition raises awareness about the work that HopeNow does and the issue of human trafficking, which is commonly referred to as modern day slavery.

disEMPOWERMENT will feature interpretations of subjects such as freedom, slavery, exploitation, heritage, and hope. It features painting, drawing, graphic design and installation by five artists from the ImmigrantART network (Behnaz, Nel Thomas, Haya Azrak, Evangelene S Paul and Katrine Bælum), two video clips by documentary filmmaker Anja Dalhoff, an advertisment made by HopeNow, and an infographic on human trafficking by Kartine Bælum.

Everyone is welcome – no registration is required.

Read the full program here.

MAY 2017

Cinema Novo @ Cinemateket

WHAT: Focus on the Brazilian film movement, Cinema Novo
WHEN: 10 – 21 May 2017
WHERE: Cinemateket, Gothersgade 55, 1123 Copenhagen

In the run up to the huge Latin American Film Festival in June, for the first time Cinemateket is celebrating the Brazilian Cinema Novo during the month of May with a series of films and lectures. ImmigrantART presents Brazilian filmmaker, Júlia Machado.

Júlia is currently working on her PhD on Cinema Novo at the University of Århus, and has been instrumental in the organization of this month’s focus on Cinema Novo and will be the main guide throughout the program, and will also present a series of her own short films.

Julia machado_immigrantartOn Wednesday 10 May @ 19.15, Júlia will give a 35 minute presentation of a part of her doctoral research. In the presentation she will compare and contrast Cinema Novo’s “The Aesthetics of Hunger” with the Danish Dogme 95 movement.

On Wednesday 10 May @ 20.30 Júlia will give a 20 minute introduction to the film, Terra em trance (Land i trance) with a focus on Brazil before and during Cinema Novo.

On Saturday 13 May @ 18.30, Júlia will introduce a new film called Cinema Novo, directed by Eryk Rocha, and there will be Q&A after the film as well.

On Saturday 13 May @ 21.00, Júlia will introduce, Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol (Gud og djævlen i solens land), directed by Glauber Rocher.

On Sunday 21 May @ 18.15, to round off the mini festival, Júlia will take us on a journey to Tropicália, and the art and culture of Brazil from the 1970s to the present day. The evening also includes a screening of Joaquim Pedro de Andrades’ Macunaíma, a Brazilian Buffet dinner at restaurant SULT, as well as a series of short films by Júlia Machado.

Read the full program and purchase tickets here.


MARCH 2017


WHAT: Documentary Film Series “Flugt” (Flight)
WHEN: Thursday 9, 16 and 23 March 2017
WHERE: Johan Borups Højskole, Frederiksholm Kanal 24, Copenhagen C

This month Johan Borups Højskole og Immigrant Art present a series of documentary films about fleeing war made by Denmark residents from Afghanistan, the Balkans and Palestine. The directors will be present and available for Q&A after the screenings. // Johan Borups Højskole og Immigrant Art præsenterer i marts måned en række dokumentarfilm om flugt lavet af flygtninge fra Afghanistan, Balkan og Palæstina. Ved visningerne i skolens biograf vil instruktørerne være tilstede til efterfølgende Q&A.

Thursday 9 March // Torsdag den 9 marts

End of the Earth

END OF THE EARTH by Malek Shafi’i

“End of the Earth” is director Malek Shafi’i’s personal story about his flight from Iran to Holland in the wake of 11 September 2001. The film shows the physical and mental challenges Malek faced on his journey and upon arrival in Europe, and the main charachter’s decision to return to Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban. Malek Shafi’i was born in Kabul, but has lived for many years in exile in various countries including Iran. After 20 years in exile he returned to Afghanistan in 2010 when, among other things, he founded the Afghan Human Rights Film Festival. Today he lives in Copenhagen //”End of the Earth” er instruktøren Malek Shafis personlige historie om hans flugt fra Iran til Holland i kølvandet på 11. september 2001. Filmen viser de fysiske og mentale udfordringer, der opstår undervejs og i mødet med Europa, og hovedpersonens beslutning om at vende tilbage til Afghanistan efter Talibans fald. Malek Shafi’i er født i Kabul, men har levet mange år i eksil, bl.a. i Iran. Efter tyve år i eksil vendte han tilbage til Afghanistan i 2010, hvor han bl.a. grundlagde Afghanistan Human Rights Film Festival. Han bor i dag i København.

I AM MADHI by Habib Mohsen

In “I am Mahdi” we follow a young Afghan man who is living as an ‘illegal’ refugee in Copenhagen. The film’s director, Habib Mohsen, came to Denmark as a refugee from Afghanistan in 2011. “I am Mahdi” is his first documentary film which he produced at Johan Borups Højskole. // I “I am Mahdi” følger vi en ung, afghansk mand, der opholder sig som illegal flygtning i København. Filmens instruktør, Habib Mohsen, kom til Danmark som flygtning fra Afghanistan i 2011. ”I am Mahdi” er hans første dokumentarfilm, som han har lavet på Johan Borups Højskole.

Entrance is free, but spaces are limited so sign up ASAP to secure your seat! // Der er gratis adgang, men begrænsede pladser – så skynd dig at tilmelde dig, hvis du vil være sikret en plads.



Thursday 16 March // Torsdag den 16. marts

Flotel Europa

FLOTEL EUROPA by Vladimir Tomic

In 1992 a wave of asylumseekers arived in Denmark as a result of the war in the former Yugoslavia. Many were given lodgings in “Flotel Europe”, a giant ship on the canals of Copenhagenthat would function as a temporary asylum center. Among the residents was a 12 year-old boy called Vladimir, the director of the film, who fled together with his mother and big brother. Twenty years later, Vladimir takes us on a journey back to Flotel Europa. A large portion of the film was made using VHS film recorded by the boats residents.  // I 1992 ankom en bølge af flygtninge fra krigen i Bosnien-Herzegovina til Danmark. Her blev de indkvarteret på ”Flotel Europa”, et gigantisk skib, som skulle tjene som midlertidigt asylcenter i Københavns kanal. Iblandt dem var en 12-årig dreng, Vladimir, filmens instruktør, som flygtede med sin mor og storebror. Tyve år senere tager Vladimir os på en rejse tilbage til tiden på Flotel Europa. En stor del af filmen er lavet af personlige VHS-film, der oprindeligt blev optaget af skibets beboere.

Vladimir Tomic was born in 1980 in Sarajevo and came to Denmark as a boy. In 2009 he graduated from the Danish Academy of the Arts. His film is in the genre of artistic experiemental documentaryfil, and it focuses on the human consequences of societal change. // Vladimir Tomic er født 1980 i Sarajevo og kom til Danmark som dreng. I 2009 blev han uddannet fra Det Danske Kunstakademi. Hans film ligger inden for feltet af kunst- og eksperimenterende dokumentarfilm og fokuserer ofte på samfundsforandringers menneskelige konsekvenser.

Entrance is free, but spaces are limited so sign up ASAP to secure your seat! // Der er gratis adgang, men begrænsede pladser – så skynd dig at tilmelde dig, hvis du vil være sikret en plads.



Thursday 23 March // Torsdag den 23. marts


Fra Haifa til Nørrebro

“Fra Haifa til Nørrebro” is the director’s portrait of his father and the memories of his families flight from Palestine in 1948 that plague him. Omar Shargawi is a Danish director with Danish and Palestinian roots. He has directed multiple feature and documentary films, Gå med Fred Jamil (2008) og ½ a Revolution (2011). among others. //”Fra Haifa til Nørrebro” er instruktørens portræt af hans far, og de minder der plager ham om familiens flugt fra Palæstina i 1948. Omar Shargawi er en dansk filminstruktør med danske og palæstinensiske rødder. Han har instrueret flere spille- og dokumentarfilm, bl.a. Gå med Fred Jamil (2008) og ½ a Revolution (2011).

A MAN RETURNED by Mahdi Fleifel

“A Man Retrned” is the story of Reda, who escapes from a Palestinian refugee camp and lives for three years in Greece. reda returns to another camp as a heroine addict, a camp which is being torn apart because of internal strife and as a result of the Syrian war. Against all odds he decides to marry his childhood sweetheart. Mahdi Fleifel is a Palestinian-Danish film director, known in particular for the highly acclaimed prize-winning documentary “A World Not Ours” from 2012.   //”A Man Returned” er historien om Reda, der forsøger at slippe væk fra en palæstinensisk flygtningelejr og opholder sig tre år i Grækenland. Reda vender hjem som heroin-misbruger til en lejr, der er ved at blive sønderrevet af interne stridigheder og indvirkning fra Syrien-krigen, men mod alle odds beslutter han at gifte sig med sin barndomskæreste. Mahdi Fleifel er en palæstinensisk-dansk filminstruktør. Han er især kendt for den anmelderroste og prisvindende dokumentarfilm A World Not Ours fra 2012.

Entrance is free, but spaces are limited so sign up ASAP to secure your seat! // Der er gratis adgang, men begrænsede pladser – så skynd dig at tilmelde dig, hvis du vil være sikret en plads.



Food Memories – A Celebration of International Women’s Day

WHAT: FOOD MEMORIES multi-media exhibition & talk
WHEN: 16.00 – 18.00, Wednesday 8 March 2017
WHERE: Nordvest Bibliotek, Rentemestervej 76, Copenhagen Nordvest

(rul ned for dansk)

Do you know the feeling …

MNavarrete -2072_Food Memories Book CoverYou walk down the street on a Monday morning, still sleepy, already concerned with how the day is going to go, and all of a sudden you find yourself enveloped by the warm smell of freshly baked bread and hot coffee. For a split second your mind wanders back to a lazy Sunday morning reading the newspaper in your Pj’s …

Or it might be that you get out of the bus on a busy afternoon. It is raining and people rush by you pushing you against the crates full of oranges and dates outside the corner shop. There it is … the sweet smell of fresh mint and coriander, and for a split second your mind wanders back to that afternoon sitting on a patio where adults sat in low chairs and laughed and told stories as they poured another glass of tea. The aroma of the orange blossom on a summer afternoon, taking you home in a cloud of nostalgia and comfort …

At Integrationshuset Kringlebakken we wanted to bring that sensorial experience of smell, touch and taste, and use it to empower the women and to help them find ways of weaving together their everyday in Denmark with their memories of their homeland

We decided to bring a series of writing workshops into their Danish Language education. The workshops focused on life-writing, using food and memories about food as a vehicle to explore how we adapt and create something new, strong and beautiful from the fabric of our previous life.

The project has evolved into three forms of expression

  1. A collection of short texts: The women’s food memories, stories, reflections
  2. Portrait pictures of the women and the food/ingredients that inspired the stories
  3. A video showing the process, the photos and readings from the stories in the women’s own voice.

The three elements will be part of an awareness campaign in celebration of International Women’s Day, where guests will be able to meet and talk to the women and the rest of the team who have been working on the project. We wish to create awareness about women with non-Danish ethnic backgrounds. It is our hope that the exhibition and life stories will contribute to a more openness and curiosity, and give a more nuanced image of foreign women. Furthermore, we aim to spark interest and gain support for the production of a book. In the form of a coffee-table book, the publication will be curated and formatted in collaboration with the women, and the final product will be sold to showcase the extremely important work being done at Integrationshuset Kringlebakken.

Read more about Kringlebakken here
The writing workshops are conducted by Hannah Aas Tryel and  Sacramento Rosello
The portrait pictures are taken by Mayra Navarrete
The video is edited by Malek Shafi’i


Kender du den følelse …

Du går ned ad gaden en mandag morgen, stadig søvnig, og allerede beskæftiget med dagens mange gerninger. Pludselig er du omgivet af den varme duft af friskbagt brød og varm kaffe. For et splitsekund vandrer dit sind tilbage til en doven søndag formiddag, hvor du sad i varmen fra solens stråler, stadig i din pyjamas, med søndagsavisen og uendelig tid.

Eller det kan være, at du kommer ud af bussen på en travl eftermiddag. Det regner og folk haster forbi dig, skubber dig mod kasserne fulde af appelsiner og dadler uden for grønthandler. Og der er den … den søde duft af frisk mynte og koriander. For et øjeblik vandrer dit sind tilbage til en eftermiddag, hvor du sad i en gårdhave, omringet af folk i lave stole der lo og fortalte historier, mens de hældte mynteteen op i de smukke glas. Duften af ​​orange blomstre på en sommer eftermiddag, tager du hjem i en sky af nostalgi og komfort.

I Integrationshuset Kringlebakken, ønskede vi at give kvinderne en sanselig oplevelse af duft, følelse og smag, for derigennem at give dem mulighed for at væve deres hverdag her i Danmark, sammen med erindringer fra deres hjemland. Det er der kommet et powerfuldt udtrykt ud af, som vi har kaldt FOOD MEMORIES.

Projektet har udviklet sig til tre udtryksformer

  1. En samling af korte tekster: Kvindernes mad erindringer, historier, refleksioner
  2. Portræt billeder af kvinder og de fødevarer / ingredienser, der inspirerede historierne
  3. En video, der viser processen, billeder og aflæsninger fra historierne i kvindernes egen stemme.

De tre elementer er blevet til en fotoudstilling, som vi udstiller i anledning af ​​Kvindernes Internationale. Her vil gæsterne have mulighed for at mødes og tale med kvinderne og resten af ​​holdet, der har arbejdet på projektet. Ligeledes ønsker vi, at skabe en opmærksomheds kampagne rettet mod kvinder af anden etnisk baggrund end dansk.  Det er vores håb, at udstillingen og livsfortællingerne vil bidrage til større åbenhed og nysgerrighed, og give et mere differentieret og nuanceret billede af indvandrerkvinden. I samme anledning, er det vores mål at skabe interesse for, og støtte til, produktionen af en kommende bog. Bogen, som vil blive i form af en kaffebordsbog, vil blive kurateret og formateret i samarbejde med de deltagende kvinderne, og det endelige produkt vil blive solgt og fremvise det ekstremt vigtige arbejde, der udføres på Integrationshuset Kringlebakken.

Læs mere om Kringlebakken her
De skriftligt workshops gennemføres af Hannah Aas Tryel og Sacramento Rosello
Portræt Billederne er taget af Mayra Navarrete
Videoen er redigeret af Malek Shafi’i

Bispebjerg lokaludvalg_logo_rgb       logo_kringlebakken_rgb_final

We would like to thank Bispebjerg Lokaludvalg for their generous financial support and Integrationshuset Kringlebakken for the fantastic cooperation.


ImmArt End of Year Drinks

Many languages will be spoken at this event!

WHEN:  Friday, 2 December 2016 at 18:00–20:00
WHERE: Gallerie Lorien, Frydendalsvej 31, 1809 Frederiksberg



The year is coming to an end and we would like to enjoy some time with you! Please join the Immigrant Art Team, members of our Network, our partners and supporters for a drink with Tina Vehage Lorien at Gallerie Lorien.

Chat, socialize, make new connections and also just relax in wonderful surrounds! Gallerie Lorien‘s Christmas Show this year will feature three artists who exhibited during #Artival2016:


Vernissage at Global Art Gallery: Edens Vugge, Hviskende Skabner fra Syrien

This arrangement will be held in DANISH // Arrangementet forgår på DANSK

WHEN:  14.00, Saturday 5 November 2016, (Exhibition: 5 30 November 2016)
WHERE: Global Art Gallery, Skalbakken 8A, Copenhagen Vanløse


Jan Pêt Khorto (poetry) and Trine Kandborg (painter) published “Edens Vugge. Hviskende skæbner fra Syrien” in August 2016. The book is a series of poems written by Jan accompanied by images created by Trine. At the vernissage and for the following month, Global Art Gallery shall exhibit the paintings you can see in the book. Our guest speaker, renowned Danish poet, Henrik Nordbrandt will also recite his work at the vernissage.

We invite you to share a drink and some snacks, and also to listen to readings and participate in dialogue.

14.00 Book and Painting Sales begin at Global Art Gallery
15.00 Welcome to Global Art Gallery by Henrik Juhl Andersen / Sune Skadegaard Thorsen
15.10 Poetry Readings by Guest Speaker Henrik Nordbrandt
15.25 Introduction to book project and paintings by Trine Kandborg
15.40 Introduction to Akdeniz School in Mersin, Turkey by Jan Pêt Khorto
15.50 BREAK
16.00 Poetry Readings: Jan Pêt Khorto & June Dahy
16.20 – 17.00 Book and Painting Sales


You will also be able to purchase the book and of course the paintings. All proceeds will go to the Akdeniz school in Mersin in Turkey, which was set up by Syrians to educate the many Syrian child protection seekers who have fled the war. Donations may also be made directly using Mobilpay +45 42305296 or via bank transfer (Denmark), reg: 3409, account number: 11885713

Please also share the promotional material available by clicking the images below:

Plakater A3 Global Art4 Plakater A3 Global Art3 Plakater A3 Global Art2


Vernissage: MOHARAMAT by Angélique Sanossian

This arrangement will be held in ENGLISH

WHEN: 17.00, Wednesday 9 November 2016 (Exhibition 3 – 30 November 2016)
WHERE: Nordvest Bibliotek, Rentemestervej 76, Copenhagen Nordvest


From 3rd to 30th November Nordvest Bibliotek will be home to a solo exhibition by Syrian-Armenian artist (and Copenhagen resident) Angélique Sanossian’s powerful series ‘Moharamat’.

Imperfectly translated as ‘The Forbidden’, the exhibition (which has travelled to numerous exhibitions across Europe) is Angélique’s protest at the destruction of cultural heritage during the ongoing war in Syria. Her compositions show destroyed buildings in Aleppo projected onto the female body. All of the buildings had played a role in Angélique’s life at some point in the past and lie in ruins today.

The exhibition has travelled Europe and we are thrilled to present it this year in Copenhagen for the first time as a solo exhibition.

Meet Angélique at the library on Wednesday 9th November 17.00 – 19.00, when she will also be interviewed in Speakers’ Corner by photographer Henrik Brøndsted.



You will also have the possibility to purchase these pieces of history throughout the duration of the exhibition. See the full series on Angélique’s homepage, and download promotional material here: Moharamat_English Press Release. Follow the event on Facebook here.




Artival 2016

LOGO with frame


Artival is a new festival organized by Immigrant Art that raises awareness about the diversity among foreign artists living in Denmark.

This year at Immigrant Artival 2016 we take the opportunitiy to introduce the public to Immigrant Art by showcasing the work of artists of different nationalities and ethnic origins at various locations around the city in both traditional and artistically innovative ways. We shall present pictorial art, photographic work, multi-media visual art, animations, documentary film screening. The events program is now available in English and Danish

The artists participating this year are all resident in Denmark and have the following backgrounds: Iranian, Indonesian, French, Italian, Sri Lankan, Kurdish, Syrian, Armenian-Syrian, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, El Salvadorean, Afghan, North American and Palestinian. See the artists profiles in English and Danish

At Immigrant Artival 2016 also invite you to get to know our network members and some of the wonderful galleries, cafés, public spaces and partner organizations.

This year we have the pleasure of working with the following partners:

Global Art Gallery
Gallerie Lorien

Københavns Kultur- og Fritidsforvaltning and Råhuset
Café Mandela
PH Caféen
Natkirken, Vore Frue Kirke
Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke and café Mellemrummet
Venligboerne KBH og Omegn

We shall be updating the final program and share more details about the participating artists over the next week, so be ready to mark a spot or two in your calendar during the last week of September.

Events will take place between 24 September and 1 October, with the exhibitions running for between two weeks and one month.

For further information contact:
immgrant art artival logo-pngNicol: Immigrant Art Founder and Director / +45 2082 2208
Susanna: Communications Advisor / +45 2033 2529
Mayra: Organizational Strategy / +45 5188 6166



We warmly thank Vesterbro Lokaludvalg for their generous support of Artival 2016












































